
Most popular articles in 2014 on WynnumCentral + your chance to contribute in 2015

In 2014 our most popular articles were…

  1. Wynnum declares independence (4,574 views)
  2. Wynnum Illuminations Festival (1,348 views)
  3. Farewell Ike (969 views)

Of course there are several ways you can measure the popularity of articles, and another one is by looking at how many times articles are shared on social media. According to this measure, the most popular stories last year were…

  1. Wynnum declares independence (812 Facebook shares)
  2. Fete de la Musique set to transform Edith Street (263 Facebook shares)
  3. First dog friendly cafe opens in Wynnum (229 Facebook shares)

ROW Crest_white backgroundYet another way is to measure how many comments an article attracts (and this is how our ‘Popular’ section on the home page works). Until recently the articles that attracted the most comments were Does the Wynnum shopping area need a makeover? and Have you seen the stickers on the empty shop windows? We’ve now changed the way this works so that you only see the most commented articles in the last twelve months or so. We think this will be more interesting and useful (let us know if you disagree in the comments!!)

The plan in 2015 is also to up the frequency of publication, with the aim of having a new story going up every day and then summarised into a weekly ENEWS email. We’d also like to encourage comtributions from readers and residents – as long as it’s interesting and has something to do with Wynnum central or Wynnum, send it in to [email protected]. We will choose one contributed piece every month and the contributor will receive $30 in Wynnum Shopping Vouchers. So get writing!

Image credit: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Victory_podium.png/640px-Victory_podium.png

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One Comment

  1. This is what I emailed:
    Friday 16 January 2015

    The Manager
    Brisbane Marketing Development Board
    Email: [email protected]

    Dear Manager,

    Last week I picked up a copy of your publication “BRISBANE Visitor Guide Nov2014 – April 2015” from the Wynnum Visitor Information Centre in the Civic Centre next to Wynnum Brisbane City Council Library.

    I could not find any mention of the Wynnum-Manly area anywhere in the booklet.

    Why is that?

    You do know that the Wynnum-Manly-Lota area has been a part of the Greater Brisbane City Council since its inception or have you perhaps forgotten?

    Yours faithfully

    John Pillis

    John Pillis

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