
The robots are coming

…to Wynnum Library.

A state government initiative, part of the $180M Advance Queensland jobs and innovation plan, has allocated $300,000 in public funding to libraries and Indigenous Knowledge Centres to help kids develop skills in coding and robotics.

Wynnum Library is already holding activities over the school holiday break as part of the program, with coding and robotics activities suitable for children between 8-12 being held at the library over the next few weeks. Search for…

“Coding for kids”,  “Scratch coding for kids”, “Ozbot treasure hunt” (make sure you choose only events at Wynnum library) on this page…

Library Events page

Joan Pease MP, Member for Lytton said,

Joan Pease
Our new MP

“Digital literacy is increasingly becoming an important part of the school curriculum and this extra support will help prepare young Queenslanders for the future. This initiative will also ensure the older Queenslanders are provided with the opportunity to explore their interest in coding and robotics and deliver greater digital inclusion right around the State. I encourage all local residents to check offerings at Wynnum Library and to get on board with one of the many activities on offer.”

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