
Wynnum Central retail mix changes again – more shops closed

In the past few months a few other retailers have shut up shop – leaving the centre a little emptier again. Small homewares and clothing shop Bohai & Co has vacated their spot on the north side of the street close to the corner of Edith and Bay Terrace, and the wedding dress shop on the other side has vacated after a long time in Wynnum Central.

Since the New Wave cafe closed over the Christmas break there have been no new tenants moving in to their premises or into the shop occupied by Walk On Wheels next door, after it too decided to close in February.

WynnumCentral has proposed a solution to the ’empty shop syndrome’ – certainly not restricted by any means to Wynnum Central alone (this is an issue affecting retail centres nationally and globally) – in the form of the Wynnum Creative Spaces program . Unfortunately to date we have had no take up of this program in Wynnum by either landlords or agents, despite its considerable success in many other locations around Australia, in shopping precincts in Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne, Adelaide and in Newcastle in NSW where the project started. See our previous articles about this scheme…

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