
Wynnum based service provider to hold NDIS forum

Carers Link, a Wynnum-based professional care service and a preferred provider for the Commmonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres (CRCC), will hold a free forum and expo on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, which is due to roll out in Queensland from July this year.

The forum will be held at the Kedron-Wavell Services Club in Chermside from 10am-2pm on Tuesday 31st May.

Carers_Link_Transparent_BacSpeakers at the forum include The Hon Coralee O’Rourke, Minister for Disability Services, Minister for Seniors and Minister Assisting the Premier on North Queensland, and Fiona Anderson of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), who will talk about what the NDIS will mean for you and your family, and how you can prepare.

For more information on the event call Carers Link on 07 3901 1165 or visit…


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