
Today is Record Store Day

Are you a lover of vinyl? We talking music here, not clothes!

Well in case you missed it, today is Record Store Day in Australia and around the world. According to the website, Record Store Day was

“conceived in 2007 at a gathering of independent record store owners and employees as a way to celebrate and spread the word about the unique culture surrounding nearly 1400 independently owned record stores in the US and thousands of similar stores internationally. The first Record Store Day took place on April 19, 2008. Today there are Record Store Day participating stores on every continent except Antarctica.”

creative treasuresIn Wynnum Central the participating store is WynnumCentral Member Creative Treasures @ Wynnum Market in Florence Street who have 20% off all records today.

Image credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Final_Fantasy_Orchestral_Album_vinyl_record.jpg

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