
New approach to learning business skills

Wynnum based marketing agency and WynnumCentral member NewsBusiness is keen to help local businesses get to grips with – and make the most of – social media, blogging, email marketing and web marketing, and is doing it in a slightly different way.

Instead of holding ‘talks’ on these topics, the agency is inviting businesspeople to come along to ‘hands-on’ workshops and actually learn by doing.

DB_0003_w300“So many workshops for businesses are show and tell type exercises where a roomful of businesspeople watch and listen. They then go back to their businesses and have to remember everything, try to do it themselves and often encounter technical or other problems.” said David Bateson from NewsBusiness.

“Sometimes all it takes is a little help as you are running through the process, and so much more can be achieved.” he added.

The agency is running a series of four hour morning workshops at the newly repainted Flinders Centre on Bay Terrace, up at the offices of business hub (and WynnumCentral member) Central Business Associates on the fifth floor.

The workshops, to be held on Thu 21st May, Fri 22nd May, Thu 28th May, Fri 29th May and then on Thu 4th Jun and Fri 5th Jun will be on 1) content and email marketing 2) social media marketing 3) publicity.

The workshops are $150 per person, with no more than 12 participants per workshop (although if you book a week in advance there’s an earlybird rate of $125).

More info… http://www.newsbusiness.com.au/workshops/.

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