
Get your entries in – local photo competition closes this Friday

After the success of their photo competition and resultant 2015 calendar featuring the top twelve images submitted, Bayside South Development Forum (BSDF) will close entries for this year’s competition this Friday 31st July, with the winners being announced and displayed at the Wynnum Wonderland school fete at Wynnum State School on Saturday 29th August.

BSDF is also inviting local businesses to sponsor the calendar, with logo spots available throughout the calendar from just $25. Sponsorship will be finalised on 31st August and spots will be allocated on a first in best dressed basis!

Wynnum Wall Calendar 2014The 2016 calendars will be available in October and will be free this time – in fact if you go along to the Bayside Business Expo (more on this soon) in October, you’ll get a free calendar in your gift bag.

Here’s the full skinny from Amy Jackson at BSDF…


Dear Bayside Businesses,

The Bayside South Development Forum (BSDF) is a small local group of volunteers focused on strengthening community and business ties in our local area, to facilitate economic growth, enhance community spirit and enable ideas to be brought to fruition.

One of these great local ideas that emerged last year was to create a local calendar, from images taken of our beautiful area by local amateur photographers, and use it as an opportunity for small local businesses to advertise to a broader local audience, in a way they might not otherwise be able to afford.

Last year we ran our Bayside amateur photography competition for the first time, and created the BSDF 2015 Calendar with the 12 winning images. We have distributed about 1200 calendars around the Bayside, and from the many sighs and wows we know the calendar has been appreciated, and we hope has added to our community’s appreciation of our wonderful area.

This year’s photography competition is currently underway, with some wonderful images once again filling our inboxes! The competition is open to any amateur photographers (flyer attached for your info) but all photos must be taken with the 4178 & 4179 postcodes. The competition closes this Friday 31st July and the winners will be displayed at the Wynnum Wonderland at Wynnum State School on Saturday 29th August. The competition closes this Friday 31st July, so it is time to turn our attention to the business side of this project.

We are planning to once again use these winning images to create a beautiful calendar that our community can take pride in sharing and displaying. To produce this we need the help of the local business community. It is our intention that the calendar is a mechanism to provide exposure for small businesses who might not otherwise be able to afford to advertise in the local community. We have designed the calendar to maximise the number of small businesses that we can promote, and to minimise the cost to them of doing so. Attached is a copy of this year’s sponsorship details.

Sponsorship is from just $25 each for a small logo on one month. You can choose a logo on just one month, or on all 12! This year you can choose which month you want to appear on, and have the option of a larger logo as well. Slots are simply purchased by going to http://bsdf-calendar-sponsorship.eventbrite.com.au – it will take you 5 minutes and your logo will be locked in for the year ahead. You have until the 31st August, but spaces are strictly limited so please do jump in quickly so you don’t miss out!

The calendars will be ready in October this year – we will be giving away a calendar in every goody bag at the Bayside Business Expo – which will give you great exposure before the new year even starts! http://baysidewomeninbusiness.org/expo/

We will be giving the calendars away for free, so if you are a sponsor, you will be able to grab as many copies as you like – maybe you could add them to your end of year thank you for your clients?

We hope to produce a calendar that showcases the best of our local community – thank you for your support in helping us make that happen.

Competition Entry Details

See our previous article with all the details on how to enter here…

Calendar photo competition runs again

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