David Westlake (pictured right above) , president of the Wynnum Manly Mens Shed for seven years, has handed over the reins to incoming president Richard Wood (pictured left above). From very humble beginnings the Mens Shed has in that time grown to 105 members and now has new digs in three new ‘sheds’ in Granada Street in Wynnum.
Members of the Mens Shed are involved in a whole array of different projects, from leather work to lead lighting, wood work, metal work, building canoes and kayaks or just having a cuppa and a chat, or playing pool or cards.
The new executive are Richard Wood President, Keith Delisser Secretary, Wayne Holmes Treasurer and Vice presidents John Kunowski and Allen Pattison.
You can find out more about the Wynnum Manly Mens Shed at https://wynnummanlymensshed.com.au/