
What is a Dementia Friendly Community?

WynnumCentral spoke recently to Rae Haggerty, Dementia Education Coordinator at the Commonwealth Respite Carer Centre at FSG in Edith Street about the Dementia Friendly Community initiative. Here’s what she had to say…

A dementia friendly community is a place where people living with dementia are supported to live a high quality of life with meaning, purpose and value.

Dementia CafeA dementia friendly community is a place where:
· Everyone can find their way around and feel safe
· Everyone can use local facilities such as banks, shops, cafes, clubs and groups
· Everyone can keep their social networks
· The community understands what dementia is, how it might impact a person and their family, and has the awareness to support a person living with dementia.

There are currently two initiatives operating in the Wynnum Manly area…

1. Carer Support Group: for those caring for a person living with dementia, either at home or in a facility. The group meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 1.00pm at the Wynnum Library.

2. Dementia Friendly Community Café: a social get together for people living with dementia, their carers, family, friends and members of the community with an interest. It is held on the first Wednesday of each month at 10.00am at varying cafes in the area.

If your business would like to be a part of the Dementia Friendly Community initiative call 07 3213 7155 to register interest and for further details.

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