Wynnum Fringe – coming to a street near you very soon

We are literally just days away (26 to be exact) from the second outing of the Wynnum Fringe, which kicks off right in the heart of Wynnum on Tue 16th November. There are currently 43 ticketed performances/shows and 35 free events scheduled, with more likely to be added over the next week or so.
If last year is anything to go by, and the weather holds out, we expect this year to be maybe twice the size of last year’s event.
Ticket prices seem to be pretty reasonable at around $20-$30 with only a few performances with higher ticket prices.
What to go and see? There’s such an incredibly wide range of entertainment, the answer has to be… whatever takes your fancy!
Check out the program here – https://www.wynnumfringe.com/program.aspx
And if all you need to do is book your tickets – https://www.wynnumfringe.com/tickets/
We’ll see you there!