Have you been to the new Wynnum cinema complex yet? If you have you’ll know that it is state-of-the-art and offers a range of different screen sizes, and is great place to see any movie. But did you know that you can ‘hire out’ a screen to show (almost) any film you want – as long as you have enough people wanting to come and see it?
So… tell us what film (or films) you’d love to see on the big screen. We’ll then arrange a survey to see which films are the most popular, and see which films we can get and …put them on at the cinema. Call it the Wynnum Film Club if you like!
Simply email us at admin@wynnumcentral.com.au with the films you’d love to see (cutoff end of May) and we’ll then ask you to vote for your top 3 and we’ll see if we can organise those. We’ll work out ticket prices and set a date and give you an opportunity to book in. If for whatever reason we don’t sell enough tickets, we’ll simply refund your money.
We’d be voting for films like…
- 2001 A Space Odyssey
- Alien
- Star Wars
- Lord of the Rings
- The Hobbit
- Tommy
- Saving Private Ryan
…but feel free to disagree with our choices!
2001 image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/25775787@N02/