
Ukulele fever

It’s not just a Wynnum thing, it seems like everyone has got ukulele fever. Ukuleles have been around for a long time – even Beatle George Harrison was a big fan, often giving house guests (like Tom Petty) a ukulele or two from his collection to go away and play.

Ukuleles have some great advantages over normal guitars – they’re much easier to grab and just strum a tune, and of late quite a few musicians have turned to ukuleles as virtuoso instruments (check this out… http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/12-of-the-best-ukulele-videos-on-youtube-57867).

People old and young are learning and playing ukulele at schools, at local groups for older people such as EACH in Wynnum (www.each.com.au) and with the delightfully named BUMS – Brisbane Ukulele Musicians Society.

Spruke PosterThis weekend many ukulele fans will be converging on South Brisbane for Spruke, Brisbane’s Ukulele Festival, which is on from 2-4 October at South Bank TAFE in Ernest Street. As well as performances, there will be workshops and a host of daytime activities and jam sessions. If you’re already a ukulele fan or just would like to find out more, head to www.spruke.net.au. You do have to book for most things, but there are many free activities scheduled (which you still need to book into on the website).

Quite a few Wynnumites will be making the pilgrimage to South Bank this weekend.

If you’re interested in getting a ukulele, pop in to WynnumCentral Members the Wynnum Manly Loan Office in Edith Street – they have a big range, from $30 for a basic soprano up to $110 for a baritone, and a concert ukulele in between at $77. They stock both Kalani and Onyx brands.

See also our previous article on Wynnum Manly Loan Office: More than a pawn shop

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