
What’s happening on the street

$4.1M sale
Quite a lot in fact. Firstly, as reported recently in the Wynnum Herald, the building on the corner of Edith Street and Tingal Road, currently the home of Subway Sandwiches and the long empty old Commonwealth Bank premises, has been sold for $4.1M to an ‘owner-occupier’, so we should expect to see something pop up in the old bank building soon. With a net lettable area of 943m2, the building is in the City Plan zone allowing multi storey development, so development is a possibility. Rumour has it the buyer may be one of the discount chemists already in Wynnum.

Newly refurbished Edith Street shops up for sale again
The former Wynnum pharmacy in Edith Street, which relocated from its original site on the north side of the street to the south, has been converted into two new shops. The new building owners have apparently decided to liquidate their interest in Wynnum, planning to focus on other projects in the Middle East instead. We’ll wait to see what happens here and whether we can expect any new tenants soon. An auction on site is set for next Wednesday (1st April).

Bay Blends
Since we covered the upcoming opening of the new superfood smoothie bar, owners Emma and Jo have had a pretty busy first few days. Pop in and see them in Edith Street, where the old delicatessen used to be near Baretraps shoeshop.

Flinders Building (pictured above)
The Flinders Building in Bay Terrace, current home to WynnumCentral and the Republic of Wynnum, has been getting a much needed lick of paint over the past week. We look forward to seeing the building restored to its former glory.

Wynnum Nails & BeautyTwo new shops in Edith Street, plus one more
Work continues on the former beauty salon at the west end of Edith Street, next to Cafe Green Bean. We understand it will be opening for business soon.

In addition a new organic bar will be opening where the Juicy Secrets womens fashion outlet was, plus we understand that there will be a new bakery opening where Oliver’s Bakehouse used to be, again planned in the next few weeks.

Wynnum is certainly abuzz with activity. At WynnumCentral we just hope that a decent number of these new traders will open longer hours at the weekend!


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