
What’s happening in Wynnum

Well apart from History Alive, the Illuminations Festival etc?

Local Hero

Tom Keown of WynnumCentral Member outlet Creative Treasures (main picture with partner Jose), featured recently on the TV news and in the paper for saving someone from being hit by an express train at the WynnumCentral rail crossing in April. Tom saw an older man pushing through the closed pedestrian gates after a train had passed, unaware another one was coming. Tom, who works at the station, blew his whistle and got the man’s attention just in time. Tom has been recognised with a bravery award by local State MP Joan Pease for his actions.

Moves in the street

  • It looks as if Bricks On Kids, the new Lego play space on Edith Street, has shut its doors, which is a shame, as you now have to go to Capalaba for the same sort of thing. There’s a dearth of things for kids to do in Wynnum, especially since the toy shop shut its doors.
  • After eight years Cyrus and his wife have moved on from Cafe Green Bean into well deserved retirement. New owner Jo is just getting her feet under the counter (if that’s the expression).
  • Salvos have finally moved into the old furniture shop, ensuring that Wynnum Central remains a haven for op shoppers
  • Heidi’s Herbal Remedies (Heidi pictured below) in the arcade has a room available for hire. It may suit a massage therapist or reflexologist or other allied health professional. Practitioners would need to be registered for private health fund rebates and be able to bring/generate their own clientele, plus be reliable and committed. If this is you, call Heidi on 07 3396 2321 or email her on [email protected].

heidi pammingerAnd finally… if you’re a woman in business you might want to go along to the Bayside Women in Business Coffee, Cake & Networking event on Thursday 16th June at Cedar & Pine 139 Bay Terrace 9.30-11.30. Cost is $10 per person including the coffee and the cake (and the networking). To register go to http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/bwib-coffee-june-2016-tickets-25564808029.

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One Comment

  1. It sucks that Bricks On Kids didn’t work out but you have to have more than just a good idea. Wynnum needs good ideas yes, but it also needs good execution.

    With Internet shopping so predominant, brick & mortar shops need to be beautiful. Consumers need to feel that they are using their time wisely by going to a shop, rather than just doing it from their home. It needs to wow them. The Collective Store is a great example, it’s bright, airy and you want to go in when walking past.

    So my tip to new retailers in Wynnum would be to take the time to make sure your store looks beautiful. Don’t rush in to it by opening too quickly, take the time, spend a little bit of money to ensure that your store will bring in people who may just be walking past. Wynnum will be better for it and your business will benefit.

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