You spoke and we listened. To 249 of you anyway. The Wynnum Herald did a snap survey of what people wanted in Wynnum last year and you may recall we asked the same question of WynnumCentral readers and visitors. And here are the answers…
Here are the results of both surveys…
WH=Wynnum Herald WC=WynnumCentral
Cinema WH:52% WC36%
Lagoon Pool WH:15% WC:20%
Waterfront Eateries WH:13% WC:20%
Skatepark WH:4% WC:4%
Tram WH:3% WC:2%
Festivals/Markets WH:3% WC:4%
Wynnum Creek Cleanup WH:3%WC: 3%
Esplanade Fairy Lights WH:2% WC:1%
Edit Street Pedestrian Mall WH:2% WC:6%
Saltwater Lap Pool WH:1% WC:6%
(they don’t add up to 100 as we rounded to the nearest whole figure)
(main image credit:,_Pools_open_for_fun_in_the_sun_summer_swimming_130525-M-DB277-040.jpg)
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