Trivia Night fundraiser (and cleaning up the next day) in Wynnum

If Trivia Nights are your thing, there’s one coming up on Saturday 6th March with all funds going to the Bayside Youth Band. It will be at the Waterloo Bay Leisure Centre on Tingal Road from 6.30pm. For more information and to book in click this link. Poster below gives full info.
And the following day is Clean Up Australia Day (Sunday 7th March). The local group will be meeting up at Elanora Park 10am-12pm. For more information (and for a number of other groups taking part in Wynnum) visit https://www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/join-a-clean-up, or call Councillor Peter Cumming’s office on 07 3403 2180.
Thanks to Cr Peter Cumming for reminding us about these two events.