Trick or Treat update – Pirate Pete… and ice cream?
Wynnum now has its own pirate - Pirate Pete!

Pirate Pete is running a treasure hunt in Wynnum Central for kids aged 5-12 in the run up to the BSDF organised Trick or Treat event on Halloween Wednesday 31st October. There are two treasure chests to be won and the treasure hunt starts on Wednesday 24th October and runs until Halloween, when the winner will be drawn – by Pirate Pete of course – at 5.30pm outside The Crystal Rose Gallery.
The treasure hunt involves solving ten riddles, and any children aged 5-12 who would like to take part need to call into The Crystal Rose Gallery to pick up their free treasure map and entry form.
‘Ah har ye hearties!’
Ice cream to be won…
Maybe for those who don’t fall into the age range for the treasure hunt, there’s still an opportunity to win something – Visit Wynnum Manly is offering a prize of a $25 voucher to be spent at Matildas the art of gelato, which will be drawn at the Halloween event in Wynnum Central.
To enter all you need to do is jump on Facebook and like both the Visit Wynnum Manly page and the Matilda the art of gelato page and then say which ice cream or gelato is your favourite, and then you’re in to win!