Parking and jaywalking in Wynnum Central

If you saw the Wynnum Herald this week you will have seen an article about how few people are actually using the pedestrian crossings in Wynnum Central – roughly twice as many people cross the road without using the crossings than those that do. Technically crossing the road anywhere within 20m of a designated crossing is an offence carrying a fine of $48.
There’s an easy solution to this problem and one that is supported by the majority of residents (if our recent poll is anything to go by) – pedestrianise Edith Street and put in a lap pool there!
When is a parking sport not a parking spot? When it’s a reserved parking spot. A quick look at the parking spaces in Seagrass Lane – behind the NAB bank showed how misleading the blue parking sign actually is. It shows 70 car parks, but in fact only 29 are unreserved by local businesses. The sign may be technically correct, but it is misleading.
WynnumCentral also spotted an endangered species in Wynnum Central this week – a parking attendant! ‘We don’t get out here much’ he said.
Let us know what your thoughts, either in the comments below or on our Facebook page.
There also seems to be a lot of cars in Wynnum and Wynnum Plaza shopping centre that think it’s acceptable to drive across in front of someone on a pedestrian crossing regardless. The amount of times I have stepped onto the crossing and the driver looks at me then quickly looks the otherway – they pretend they didn’t see me so they can keep going.