
The Scoop on Wynnum

This is the closest WynnumCentral is going to have to a gossip column, so make the most of it. Here are a few interesting snippets we’ve heard on the street…

  1. Wynnum Central will soon have its own ice cream parlour, in one of the outside shops in the IGA building. We’re just waiting on an opening date. Interestingly an ice cream parlour was quite popular on those little stickers that appeared on the empty shop windows a while back.
  2. building wynnum coffeeLocal architect (and WynnumCentral member) Michael Jullyan of ThinkTank Architects got a bit of recognition recently for his role in the forthcoming redevelopment of Wynnum – see his recent cappuccino at The Olive (pictured) – before he drank it.
  3. The new cafe in Bay Terrace we mentioned recently, Frenchies (see previous article here), will be a ‘dog friendly’ cafe.
  4. We have it on very good authority that there will shortly be a wine bar/tapas bar opening in Wynnum Central. On the empty shop stickers and in our survey of which businesses people would like to see in Wynnum Central, both a wine bar and a tapas bar were very popular. Only just behind a cinema*, and that’s saying something. We’ll let you know more as soon as we hear.
  5. There’s a new discount store opening in Wynnum – where Crazy Clarks used to be. So no change there really.
  6. There’s a rumour going around that a very well known personality is behind the first major five storey development in Bay Terrace (Le Palais). We don’t know who it is and apparently they are keen to keep their involvement under wraps. Brangelina anyone? Does anyone out there know?

Let us know if you have any interesting news about Wynnum.

*and there’s a meeting planned about a cinema too – https://www.facebook.com/WYNNUM.WHAT.4178/posts/10154848330205165

Image credit (ice cream cone): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strawberry_ice_cream#mediaviewer/File:Strawberry_ice_cream_cone_(5076899310).jpg

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