In the same week that the US elections were on, at least somewhere in the world a woman was appointed as president. The appointment was made on the second anniversary of the declaration of independence on Saturday 12th November. The new President of the Republic is none other than local shop owner (and Wynnum Business member) Yvonne Merriman from the Wynnum Manly Loan Office in Edith Street. President Merriman said that she would use her new position ‘for the betterment of Wynnum’.
Yvonne – sorry, President Merriman – was interviewed and photographed by the Wynnum Herald after her appointment, wearing the flag of the Republic. Her term of appointment is one year, after which the same ‘election’ process will start again
Compared to many other countries, it is, let’s face it, a much quicker and substantially less expensive process!
Main photo credit: Sean Anthony
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