
Ten things you need to know about the Twilight Market this Saturday

1] Great music

Got a great lineup this Saturday. We’ve got…

Angela Toohey
Her music has a wide appeal, and could be described as contemporary Australian folk music. As an artist Angela (pictured above) has a unique singing and songwriting style. Her guitar work and singing abilities reflect a genuine richness and depth. Before embarking on a career playing her own music, Angela was an actor and singer on stage, famously playing Liza Minelli opposite Hugh Jackman in the 2006 muscial The Boy from Oz. More details on Angela on her website – http://www.angelatoohey.com.au/site/page.php?2

Robbie McGowan
aka That 60’s Guy. If you love music from the 1960s you’ll love That 60s Guy. http://www.that60sguy.com.au/

Lil NikiLil Nix

Funky Brisbane based singer songwriter Nix (pictured left) performs her soul tickling originals and quirky rearranged cover songs up and down the East Coast . The rootsy folk has a natural swing that moves you inside out. Follow like and love https://www.facebook.com/Lilnixism.

2] Great range of market stalls and hot food

Forty eight stalls in total and a whole range of hot food options to keep you warm on a cool night from pancakes to pulled pork to Turkish to Indonesian to Indian… the list goes on.

3] Young Merchants

At this market we’re relaunching our Young Merchant Program (as reported in this week’s Wynnum Herald). We’re inviting young entrepreneurs to try their hand at running their own market stall and just pay their age as the stall fee! We have two booked in so far– Olive’s Plant Nursery and Josh & Georgie. One spot left (call 07 3040 1972 if you’re interested!).

4] Suitcase Rummage (well we can’t call it that but you know what we mean)

We’ll be holding a suitcase rummage again this time – except we can’t call it a suitcase rummage! Long story. Anyway we need to come up with a new name. Send your suggestions to [email protected] and the person that comes up with the name we choose will get a $20 voucher at Frenchies Cafe. Get your thinking cap on!

Whatever we call it, it will be at the north east end up near Wynnum Manly Loan Office and The Crystal Rose Gallery

5] Market Voucher Giveaway

We’re giving away $150 (10 x $15 vouchers) in market vouchers between now and Saturday. The vouchers can either be used at any stall at the market or can be used at any WynnumCentral Member shop, but they are only valid for this market or until the end of august at WynnumCentral members. If you win, you’ll need to get the vouchers validated at the Republic of Wynnum Information Office before you can use them. That’s right – you have to come to the market to be able to use them! Sneaky, eh?

6] All sorts of things to be won at the Republic of Wynnum Information Office

We will have one of the lanterns from the Illuminations Festival up for grabs. To go into the draw you just need to sign up to become a citizen of the Republic at the Information Office. There is no charge to become a citizen and you don’t even have to live in Wynnum to become a citizen! Also we’ll be giving away some more market vouchers and Frenchies $20 vouchers to some lucky new citizens.

7] You can pay by credit card

If you want to buy a floating lantern or an aristocratic title at the Republic of Wynnum, all you need is your credit card. We can process VISA and Mastercard. Become a citizen or an aristocrat and you get a special discount on the floating lanterns (nearly 30% off).

8] It’s official – we’re environmentally friendly

We’ve got not just two types of bin at the market, but three. There’s the yellow topped bin for recyclable items – plastic and glass bottles, paper, even slightly used pizza boxes can go in there. Then we have a new purple topped bin – this is for food scraps – which go to compost. And then we’ve got the regular ol’ green topped bin for everything else. Please help us reduce, reuse and recycle! We’re hoping to have an announcement soon about a new project to encourage not only market goers but everyone in Wynnum to compost their food scraps rather than just dumping them in the bin and sending them to landfill. We’re just a bunch of closet greenies.

9] Where are the loos?

We always hire out two portable loos for each market, but not everybody knows where they’re located. We put them in the car park entrance just opposite the NAB bank. You never know when you might need that info.

10] Want to busk… or help us out

We couldn’t hold the market without our volunteers. If you have a spare hour (or more if you like) come down and help us out. For your troubles we give you either a $20 Frenchies voucher or a $15 market voucher, or you can make someone (yourself if you like) a prince or princess of the new republic (worth $25). Or come down and busk. Either way let us know on 07 3040 1972 or via email [email protected].

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One Comment

  1. Myself and my 10 y/o daughter would love to help in anyway possible. Please text me on 0404 900 230 if we can help out…..we can make ourselves available. Deb Tuck. Ps: Great place to hold markets, I would like to help to make it work.

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