
Survey of revitalisation initiatives

As a follow on to the recent Information Evening, we created a short survey asking people what initiatives and ideas they would like to see implemented in Wynnum as part of the revitalisation scheme. We have had just under 200 responses to date, and the short survey is still open if you haven’t completed it and would like to add your thoughts.

The results so far (which you can review on the results page here) show strong support for the monthly Twilight Fresh Seafood Market idea recently profiled in the Wynnum Herald, followed by the Renew Program, which would see empty shops filled with creative spaces, and a campaign to declare Wynnum ‘Open For Business’ until 2pm on Saturdays. When asked to choose only one initiative the Seafood Market takes the prize. We’ll keep you posted of course on new events and campaigns.

Take the survey here:

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