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Stopping smoking and reducing weight – is it all in the mind?

John and Chez Burton set up JCB Health Solutions to help people with their health, specifically to help two groups of people to improve their own health – smokers and people who want to reduce their weight. Coming from diverse backgrounds – John from the IT and programming world and Chez from a career in financial planning, management and customer service – they have both trained up to master level in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) which is a method of influencing mindset – something pretty important when it comes to giving up addictive habits and reaching ambitious goals.

The two programs that JCB Health Solutions currently run are ‘Quit Cigarettes in 60 Minutes™’ and ‘Reach Your Ideal Weight in 60 Minutes™’, both of which use NLP techniques alongisde another technique called ‘conversational hypnosis’ and some other methods to help people reach these goals.

john burton“I originally did a basic NLP course because I wanted to grow my IT business, and in the process found that there was a lot more to it that could be of benefit outside my business and to other people, so I carried on to Masters level and added training in conversational hypnosis as well.” says John. “Although we have launched JCB Health Solutions with just these two programs to start with, we are planning other programs to help people overcome fears, phobias and poor habits, which NLP can also be very helpful with.”

Chez adds “Having studied NLP and Conversational Hypnosis, I can say from personal experience how it is a huge help for people who want to change their mindset, change long term habits and get on track for a happier and healthier life.”

chez burtonJCB Solutions are so confident they can help people who want to give up smoking or reduce their weight, they offer a lifetime guarantee on their programs, both of which need only one 60 minute session. They have two special offers running for their services to save you $50 on a session – and

Find out more at the two websites they have set up…

..and the main website…

JCB Health Solutions is a member of Wynnum Business.

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