
Should we include stories about Manly?

Your editor once went along to hear a bunch of journalists talk about what they were interested in hearing about and what sort of stories they were interested in running. A lady who edited one of the local suburban paper pointed out as clearly as she could that she was focused on her local suburb.

“If a volcano erupts in (neighbouring suburb)” she said, “we wouldn’t cover it.”

WynnumCentral is really all about Wynnum and our approach is similar to the editor above – if it happens in Wynnum central we’ll cover it, if it happens in 4178 we will also cover it, although giving preference to Wynnum central news.

So what about Manly? Should we report on what’s happening in Manly? Let us know what you think below.

While you’re thinking about it, here are a few Manly stories that were sent through to us recently…

1) Manly Community Kindergarten will hold an Open Day on Saturday 6th September from 10am til noon. Explore the idyllic grounds, meet our wonderful teachers and have a chat about our fantastic pre-Prep program. The $15 waiting list fee will be waived for enrolments taken on the day. The Kindy is at 27 Harman St, Manly.

2) The cafe on the William Gunn Jetty in Manly is opening again tomorrow. Renamed the Cafe Bullfrog it will be open from 7am tomorrow until 4.30pm and will be open seven days. The owners have applied for a liquor licence, so all being well, you’ll be able to have a beer or a glass of wine there in due course! It’s a completely new crew so pop down and say hello.

Image credit: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Manly_Railway_Station,_Queensland,_June_2012.JPG

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  1. Perhaps we could expand out horizons beyond Wynnum – Manly is so close and quite a lovely area. Let’s not be too disrespectful of our neighbours.

  2. I was joking jillian and I agree with you. I think we should include Manly, as well as Lota to incorporate the whole of our Bayside community. It is a great place to live and work. :0)

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