Queensland State Election looms – messages from candidates (+ take our short survey)

We are just a day away from Election Day in Queensland – this Saturday 26th October.
At the end of last month our affiliated business group – Brisbane Business Bayside – invited all of the candidates in the election to come along to a breakfast meeting to explain in a nutshell why they should be elected as the next representative for the Lytton electorate and to answer questions from attendees.
At that meeting we gave all candidates the opportunity to set out their program to you – our readers and subscribers – here on the WynnumCentral site, and so we are including their messages to you below. Not all candidates were able to submit their messages by the deadline, in which case we have linked to their party website profile or policies page.
Take our election survey/poll
We’d also like to know some info about your voting preferences if you will be voting (or have already voted) in the Lytton electorate, so we have put together a short survey.
The survey is brief (around 30 seconds to complete) and anonymous and we will publish the results here.
Previous election polls have been uncannily accurate despite relatively small sample sizes!
Take the short survey/poll here…
According to Electoral Commission Queensland over 1 million Queenslanders of the 3.68 million Queenslanders enrolled to vote have already cast their vote – that’s 27%.
If you’re one of the remaining 73% we hope the candidate messages below help you make your choice! These are listed below in alphabetical order of party name with independent candidate/s listed under ‘i’.
Joan Pease (Australian Labor Party)
Locally, I’ve worked hard to ensure the Bayside gets its fair share of projects and investment. We’re building new school facilities at Manly State School and Darling Point Special School on the Wynnum waterfront. Of course, that’s in addition to the Ambulance Station at Wynnum West and the Wynnum Manly Community Health Centre (Gundu Pa) and a host of local school infrastructure upgrades, which I’ve already secured for our community.
The $70million accessibility upgrade of Lindum Station will provide a safer commute for Baysiders. It’s another big win, with construction well under way and nearly complete.
I’ve worked hard to help build an incredibly engaged and supportive Bayside community – by liaising with hundreds of local groups and leaders and voicing their needs within the Queensland Government to ensure they get the funding and support they need. In fact, since 2015 I’ve secured over $45 million in direct community, business, education, and sporting grants for our community.
Bayside parents know that only the Miles Government can be trusted to deliver a better education system in Queensland. In our Bayside, the proof is in the pudding.
We’ve got brilliant schools locally. Since 2015, I’ve worked tirelessly with school communities and principals to secure millions of dollars for our schools. We’ve seen significant investment at Manly State School and Darling Point Special School. As well as major funding and upgrades delivered at Wynnum State High School, Wondall Heights State School, Tingalpa State School, and Iona College, just to name a few.
I’m proud to have fought for the upgrade of our local state school’s including Darling Point Special School. This $26 million project, funded by the Queensland Government, will accommodate up to 200 students with special needs in an idyllic location on our waterfront. Construction is nearly complete, and preparations are being made for the new school year.
Manly State School is also benefitting with new learning areas, including the purchase and redevelopment of the old St Paul’s church, and enhancing playground upgrades. Wynnum State High School and Tingalpa State School have also seen significant investment and upgrades.
We’ve also air-conditioned every state school classroom and library and installed solar panels to help reduce electricity costs. I want every Bayside child – regardless of whether they go to a public or private school – to have a quality education so they can have the best possible start in life.
Most parents are happy with the education their child is receiving. That’s not an accident! Our school communities are ably led by engaged P&C committees. Our hardworking teachers, principals and leaders are properly resourced and valued by the Queensland Government. Our education system is working for Bayside kids.
The Miles Government has just committed $500,000 towards a business case to uplift services at the Wynnum Manly Community Health Centre (Gundu Pa). Whether it’s getting x-ray machines, chemo, cardiac, dialysis, or specialist women’s and children’s health services, this funding is the first important step in scoping out exactly what additional health services we need locally. Gundu Pa has provided 24-hour free primary care to locals on the Bayside, as well as valuable outpatient care services including dental and diabetic care.
Following the LNP Government’s closure of the Wynnum Hospital, the Labor Government established the Gundu Pa Clinic to ensure that health services could continue to be provided to the community closer to home. The clinic provides 24-hour primary care for minor injuries and illnesses, as well as a range of other services including addiction and mental health services, dental care, breast screening and outpatient clinics.
The Miles Government investment of $500,000 for this business case will determine, in conjunction with community feedback, what additional services can be provided at the clinic – such as imaging services or renal dialysis, for example. Many in our Bayside community requested a service uplift so that this valuable clinic can provide an even larger range of services to the growing community, particularly in the space of imaging, renal dialysis and radiology. The business case will determine the appropriate service mix in consultation with local clinicians and the community currently utilising the clinic.
Premier Steven Miles also announced a re-elected Miles Labor Government will also hire an additional 15,875 frontline health workers in the next four years, as well as over 5,000 operational and admin staff. Improving local health services remains my top priority. This business case is an important first step to restoring some of the services we lost when the LNP closed the Wynnum Hospital.
The LNP will likely bring Queensland’s Big Build to a screeching halt, effectively crashing our state’s economy and increasing unemployment at a time when families can least afford it. They will almost certainly make drastic cuts to health, education and other essential frontline services. We know this for a fact.
Mr Crisafulli’s unfunded election promises means he will have to cut frontline jobs and services. Secondly, look at the LNP’s track record. They gutted essential services on the Bayside last time they formed government – closing the Wynnum Hospital and the Moreton Bay Nursing Care Unit and other human services. They did it before, and they’ll do it again.
(Joan Pease is a member of Brisbane Business Bayside and a supporter of this site)
Jim Vote (Family First Party)
I, James (Jim) Vote, am a voice crying in the (political) wilderness, to make the truth made public. So much of recently passed legislation has been wrought with distortions of truth, for instance the Respect at Work and Other Matters Bill passed at 9pm on 13 September, as an Omnibus Bill, on the last week of Parliament, with minimal community discussion, especially Queensland Church leaders. This Bill has to be rescinded by the incoming Government.
The lack of support, from current Government members for Robbie Katter’s Amendment to the Late Term Abortion Bill 2018, to provide healthcare and loving support for babies born alive after a failed abortion and left to die and disposed of as medical waste, is a sign of the lack of compassion for human life.
Family First’s core values are FAMILY, FAITH, LIFE, FREEDOM, each of these are under attack and will be defended strongly.
What would I do beyond the above, for Lytton?
- Trying to have an alternative to the Lindum Rail crossing, by proposing a rail bridge over the freight rail at Pritchard Road, I had proposed this back when BMD had all their equipment available while upgrading the Port Freeway, however it fell on deaf ears. This proposal would lessen the need to use the Lindum crossing, providing traffic freeflow
- I also propose that a Ferry/Rivercat service be introduced to increase tourist visitors to our wonderful Southern Moreton Bay region, we have several jetties that could be utilized, with minimal upgrades, however the economic value to Lytton would be fabulous, when we compare our facilities to Redcliffe we are way behind. The development of the vacant land behind the Wynnum RSL is long overdue, I see a shopping complex like Toowong on the site, serving the community from Cleveland to South Bank. As a minor Party we have 59 candidates across the State, to be a voice to the majors to serve the people, not themselves as is the current case
Thank you
James(Jim) Vote Family First Party Lytton.
Jade Whitla (The Greens)
Craig Moore (Independent)
I would like to clarify any misconceptions regarding our core beliefs, involvement in the upcoming elections.
During a recent Zoom meeting with our volunteers, we decided that we will not be present at any polling booths. Additionally, we do not endorse or promote any particular candidates or parties. Our volunteers are committed to upholding the democratic process and respecting the right of individuals to make their own decisions in peace.
When I ran in the previous Council elections, approximately 60% of voters expressed to us dissatisfaction with the system and harassment at polling. We acknowledge this sentiment and remain committed to our core beliefs. We can’t change the system unless we lead by example. It is now up to the people if you want real change.
I have declined an offer to engage in preference vote swapping. As a representative of the people, I believe it is my duty to remain impartial and not align myself with any particular party. This decision has resulted in all parties uniting against me, as they perceive me as a threat. They have banded together to give each other preference votes in an attempt to defeat me. I believe that if I were to compromise my beliefs, there would be no point in running for office. I am committed to representing the people, not any particular party. I would rather lose an election than sell out my principles to another party.
The public has the right to approve name changes to our area or Islands.
Our elderly residents are now denied accommodation at the $26M government funded, aged care facility (Old Lota Hospital, land valued at $98M) with only 32 beds on 21 acres. ALP Discrimination in a housing crisis 43,000 vulnerable Qlders now on social housing waiting lists.
- New high-rise buildings 10% affordable housing for working in the area
- New Tingalpa Hospital, Rehabilitation, Dementia Care Village & Detox Unit
- No QLD homes to be left vacant for more than 6 months or heavy fines
- 5 Year Interest free loan to add a granny flat to your existing home
- Pokie clubs only give back max 2% to our area. We demand min 10%
- Multi dwellings to replace all single standing housing commission homes
- Blood type, Organ donor, emergency info on driver licenses if desired
- Large community gardens called ” Agrihood ” on vacant land
- Green roofs & fruit trees line the perimeter fences at all QLD schools
- Fort Lytton Tourism, Parking, City Cat, Bar, Restaurant & Entertainment
- Cannabis stores in industrial areas, earning millions in tax revenue
- Blood type, organ donor, emergency info on driver licenses if desired
- Large community gardens called ” Agrihood ” on vacant land
- Green roofs & fruit trees line the perimeter fences at all QLD schools
- Fort Lytton tourism, parking, City Cat, bar, restaurant & entertainment
- Cannabis stores in industrial areas, earning millions in tax revenue
- QLD No 1 for cars stolen. 20,000 this calendar year…
*Cash reward payment programs *Dob in a criminal / scamming benefits
*Troubled youths, no parent supervision *Free boarding / Military school
*Unemployed training work camps *Trade skills & detox for addictions
*Trade apprenticeships for prisoners, building towns in remote areas
*Protect homeowners rights, allowing maximum force on home invasions
*Monthly public meetings with Zoom & FB links. Ideas & complaints
Craig Moore for 24
Independent for State Seat of Lytton
Chad Gardiner (Liberal National Party)
It doesn’t get any better than the electorate of Lytton, which is why I call this place home.
My family and I are invested in this community. We live here, I work here, our kids attend school here, and we spend our weekends at the local sporting fields or enjoying the bay.
But increasingly, our community is struggling with youth crime, cost of living, health and housing. Families are scared to sleep at night after have intruders invaded their homes. Business owners and their staff have lost their livelihoods when their shops have been broken into. Youth criminals are running rampant without consequences. Queenslanders should feel safe in their homes, they should be safe where they work, and they should be safe in their neighbourhoods.
The LNP has the Making Our Community Safer Plan which has been developed after four years of listening to Queenslanders about their experiences with Labor’s Youth Crime Crisis.
Our plan will restore safety where you live, making our community safer. Our policies address every stage of the crime cycle to arrest Labor’s Youth Crime Crisis.
Protection for our community underpins our plan. We will prevent crime before it happens, intervene early in young lives and rehabilitate youth criminals. That’s our commitment to Queenslanders.
The question for this election is, has youth crime, housing, cost of living and the health crisis got better or worse under this government – and who has the Right Plan for the future.
Our community needs a fresh start and the LNP has the right plan to deliver it.
Labor has let our community down time and time again and nothing will change unless we change the government by voting 1 LNP.
The LNP will restore safety where you live, respect for your money, health services when you need them, a place to call home and a government that works for you.
We need a fresh start and only changing the government with a vote for the LNP will deliver change for Lytton.
Authorised B. Riley, LNP, 281 Sandgate Road, Albion
David White (One Nation)
With the election fast approaching us I think I stand out as a candidate who embodies strong community values and practical leadership.
With a long history of involvement in the Wynnum Manly area, I have made significant contributions to a variety of community initiatives personally through numerous churches, scouting and guiding groups, and volunteer organisations.
My commitment to these causes reflects my deep understanding of the current state of need and challenges faced by the people of Lytton.
One of my core principles is the promotion of truth, fairness, and justice for all Queenslanders.
This focus is woven into One Nation’s vision for the state and is particularly dedicated to ensuring that these values are taught in schools.
Through schooling we can directly make positive impacts to our children, stopping youth crime before it happens.
It should include a strong emphasis on importance of traditional family values, teaching our children that there are repercussions to your actions, knowing right from wrong and instilling wholesome Australian values, which I believe form the foundation of a strong Queensland.
Education is not just about academics but about instilling moral and ethical principles that help build character and promote fairness in all aspects of life.
The vision of Queensland I have is grounded in freedom from government overreach. I believe that government intervention stifles personal responsibility and community spirit. I will advocate for policies that allow individuals and families to thrive without being overly dependent on government programs or subject to excessive regulation. I believe that many are frustrated by increasing encroachment of government into their personal lives.
I am a strong advocate for fairness and that everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, deserves a fair go.
One Nation policies are designed to create an environment where hard-working Queenslanders are supported, but not coddled, by their government. This balance between support and independence is central to One Nation political stance.
I am acutely aware of the economic pressures that many Queenslanders are facing, particularly with the rising cost of living. Determined to address these issues head-on, with practical solutions that focus on reducing unnecessary government spending and streamlining services.
I will be a vocal critic of wasteful government projects, and that taxpayer money should be spent efficiently to benefit the broader community.
Leadership is about not just having a plan but putting it into action with integrity, and accountability.
We should be holding politicians accountable for their promises and ensuring that elected officials truly represent the interests of their constituents.
This commitment to transparency and honesty has earned him the respect of many in his community, who see him as a reliable and trustworthy candidate to represent the seat of Lytton.
In conclusion, voters in the Queensland election should consider David White not just for his political platform, but for his proven dedication to his community and his unwavering commitment to traditional values.
His emphasis on fairness, justice, and responsible governance makes him an ideal representative for the people of Lytton. Voting for David White and One Nation is a vote for integrity, accountability, and a stronger, more independent Queensland.