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National recognition for Wynnum child care centre

Children @ Bay Terrace is celebrating recognition from the Australian Government for their excellence in providing early childhood education. In July the Wynnum-based business was awarded ‘Exceeding National Quality Standards’ for their practices and procedures with experienced staff and quality community-based early childhood education.

In addition to this national recognition is conditional funding from the Early Years Quality Fund to boost wages in the child care industry.

Manager Rebecca Swainson said “This funding will help retain experienced staff and stop the high turnover of employees within the industry to allow continuity of care.”

The national funding has been the culmination of a Big Steps Campaign by the United Voice union to ensure quality education and care for children 0-5yrs old.

Recognition in both programs is top validation of the customer care that Children @ Bay Terrace provides to its children and their families. Quality service for the Wynnum community has been the focus, stretching back nearly 30 years.

Children @ Bay Terrace is a member of WynnumCentral.

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