After a keen contest for the top job in the Republic, there was finally a winner and – as it turns out – someone who is already used to winning things in a slightly different environment!
The new President of the Republic is Martin Kristoffersen, champion kickboxer and owner of the Karma Muay Thai kickboxing club in Wynnum. We have covered Martin’s sporting successes and the successes of his students many times here on WynnumCentral…
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Martin’s winning bid for presidential office (see how this works in the Republic of Wynnum in our previous article) was AUD$295 and beat out four other candidates (we don’t know who they were, as all bidding is anonymous) who altogether placed 17 bids. A rush just in the last three minutes bumped the price up from $270 to $295.

Outgoing President John Shepherd (pictured left) wished his successor all the best, but would not reveal if he had been one of the other bidders “I’d much rather be fighting with Martin on eBay than in the ring.” he said.
“I am delighted to be the Republic’s third president,” said President Kristoffersen “and I look forward to leading this country onward and upward.” Quoting the seventeenth US president Andrew Johnson, President Kristoffersen added “If you always support the correct principles, then you will never get the wrong results.”