It’s been a bit of a political hot potato for a very long time, but it looks as if finally something is being done about the railways crossing from hell which is the Lindum crossing.
The good news is that local residents recently got a flyer in the mail from Brisbane City Council announcing works to start next month (and planned to finish in late December) to make ‘initial safety improvements’. This is not the major bridge/tunnel option that has been discussed in the past, simply some changes to make it safer to cross.
The downside of these improvements in the short term is that works will be carried out Monday-Saturday 7am-5pm, which is likely to significantly impact traffic during the morning and afternoon rush hours. So we advise – avoid the area if at all possible!
The improvement work will involve…
- installation of a new median island on the northern approach to the intersection
- extension of the median island on Lindum Road
- new pavement and road line marking
For more info go to https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/traffic-and-transport/roads-infrastructure-and-bikeways/road-and-intersection-projects/lindum-level-crossing
Further Reading
Trains and automobiles
Lindum Rail Crossing – Update