
The survey results are in (both of them)

See what everyone thought of the closure of the Wynnum Herald and results of the Suburban Renewal Survey

After the Wynnum Herald announced it was stopping printing the paper, you may recall we ran a short survey of your thoughts on the Herald and the move to online only – and 101 people responded with their thoughts.

The feedback was that the majority liked the move to the compact format and changes to distribution (which happened a few months before printing stopped – see our article here) but really didn’t like the move to online only with 74% either very unhappy or unhappy with the move. Just under 20% had taken out a subscription to the Courier Mail online.

Now that the print edition has gone, most people are now relying on Facebook for their local news, with ‘nowhere’ being the second most popular response (WynnumCentral ENEWS got a few honourable mentions!).

What is interesting is that 69% of those who filled out the survey were aged over 55 – we don’t know if that reflects the age group of readers of the Herald, or readers of WynnumCentral news, or the age group of people who like to help out with surveys. You be the judge!

Read the full report here

Suburban Renewal Survey
The Suburban Renewal Survey was not conducted by us, but we brought your attention to it back in March (Suburban Alliance survey), so if you completed it thank you. They produced a report on the results, which included the statement…

“Almost two thirds of respondents suggested additional restaurants, cafes, food and drink outlets, half of respondents suggested that existing buildings were in need of refurbishment or upgrade and streetscaping was required to lift the overall appeal and amenity of the area. One third of respondents identified a need for more trees and landscaping.”

Bearing in mind that the survey went out generally to suburbs around Brisbane, not all of these responses may have been directed at Wynnum Central, but you certainly get the vibe! Interestingly, ‘more parking’ – the common bugbear – came in in fifth place, behind ‘retail and cafe/food’, ‘buildings need doing up’, ‘streetscaping’ and ‘trees/landscaping’.

Looking at the word cluster from the survey results (above), Wynnum is very well represented!

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