No, there’s not going to be a new Tesla dealership opening in Wynnum (if there even is such a thing as a Tesla dealership). But there will be some electric vehicles in Wynnum this coming Tuesday, as the co-founders of Queensland-based light electric vehicle (LEV) company EmoS (eMotion Concepts) come to the Wynnum Business breakfast meeting with some of their LEVs.
CEO and co-founder Harry Proskefalas (pictured, with CTO Wolfgang Roffmann) believes LEVs will be the unsung heroes of transport electrification, saying…
LEVs can provide efficient solutions for the transport of goods and people in urban environments for existing businesses, but at the same time also can provide the basis for new and innovative business models in areas of hyperlocal delivery and shared mobility.
If you’re interested to find out what the future of a major component of transport is likely to look like in the not too distant future, come along to the breakfast. For more info and to book visit https://wynnumbusiness.org/events/.
By the way, ENEWS subscribers get a special discount on all Wynnum Business meetings (and the discount code will go out in the next ENEWS). If you’re not already a subscriber, sign up and the discount code will be in your welcome email.