Are you a steampunk fan?
If so you'd better get down to Steampunk Art in Florence this weekend! And even if you're not.

There are lots of events in and around Wynnum over the next few months and the first cab off the rank is Steampunk Art in Florence, coming up this weekend (8-9 October) in Florence Street in downtown Wynnum.
If you’re a little hazy on what steampunk is, here’s a great article on the Dazed website which will get you up to speed. In essence think Victorian clothing plus Victorian style ‘gadgets’ and you’ll get the general idea. The organisers have also helpfully given a quick history of it on their website here.
All sorts of things are planned for the weekend, with a very wide range of art and music on offer alongside food and drink stalls plus market stalls (we understand there will be amazing chocolate on offer and some great cookies), and wandering minstrels, puppet shows, vintage cars, parasol duelling and vintage cars (to name a few).
And if you’re up for a dress-up there will be prizes for best dressed male, female, child, best mad scientist and best hat!
The whole event is free entry, however a jazz evening on the Saturday night (7pm 8th October) featuring The Smith Street Jazz Band is a ticketed event.
We can’t wait!
The whole event has been organised by the Wynnum Manly Arts Council.
For more info on what’s happening visit their website here.