In case you missed it – we have now added a COVID-19 page to the WynnumCentral website which we are endeavouring to keep up-to-date with any developments affecting retailers and businesses in and around Wynnum. If you run a business in the area let us know if you have made any changes – or if you’re open as usual – and we’ll add your details to the page.
Since we first launched the page, The Coffee Club in Wynnum has closed until further notice, although The Coffee Club in Tingalpa is still open for drive-through and takeaway.
Manson Framers are still open, but for slightly shorter hours ie 9am-4pm Mon-Fri and 9am-1pm on Saturday.
Other developments
Although business is pretty quiet on most fronts, there are still new places scheduled to open soon in Wynnum Central. Benn Woods of Ray White Commercial let us know recently about two forthcoming services – a physiotherapy studio will be opening soon in the Enclave development in Bay Terrace and The Eye Health Centre will be opening a new branch in Clara Street next door to Sullivan Nicolaides. More information on these soon.
Some other Wynnum Business member businesses are busy innovating so they can still help their customers during the restrictions. Here are a few examples…
Sash & Gable Property – conducting auctions online (and congratulations again to Gail Gobey, who has carried off the Wynnum 2020 ratemyagent Agent of the Year – she won it last year too!)
Techtidy Consulting – are busy helping customers set up remote working for their teams
Top Show Music – now doing music tuition and practice via Zoom videoconferencing!