
Come to Wynnum!

If you live locally you may very well not have seen the advert for Wynnum that appeared in a publication called Bayside Living recently.

Bayside Living is a one off insert publication of Quest (who publish a range of suburban newspapers, including the Wynnum Herald). As the magazine-style liftout was promoting the bayside generally to people who don’t live here, it was not distributed with the Wynnum Herald, instead it was inserted into around 80,000 suburban newspapers distributed in the city south/inner city areas.

We also produced a similarly designed flyer that went into a thousand gift bags at the Illuminations Festival. We’re well aware that our ad design won’t be winning any advertising awards any time soon, but we think we covered most of the essentials!

What else do you think we should do to promote Wynnum to people outside the area (and overseas visitors)?

Come to Wynnum ad_full page

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One Comment

  1. Advertising on trains and train stations, we are the only seaside area / retail precinct close to the city
    accesible by rail and I think it’s a great way to spread the word and let people realise what an easy day out Wynnum is for a family!

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