
Your chance to feature in the Wynnum/Manly calendar

If you are a local photographer you again have a chance to have your photo included in the 2017 Wynnum/Manly calendar organised by local community group BSDF.

A new twist this year is that poets are also invited to submit some poetry for inclusion alongside the photos.

Wynnum/Manly 2015 calendarBSDF has distributed over 2,500 of the calendars over the last two years and expect to distribute more of the 2017 edition.

If you are interested in submitting either your photos or your poetry in the competition, visit these pages…


The competition (for the photography and poetry components) closes on 31st July 2016.

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One Comment

  1. Hello,
    These calendars make great gifts for friends and relatives, particularly those overseas. However to make them more useful locally it would be great to include public and school holidays.
    David Carter

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