
Tell us what shops you’d like to see in Wynnum

If you’ve been out and about in Wynnum Central, or if you’ve been reading our articles here, you’ll know about the little stickers that have been appearing on empty shop windows in Wynnum. Well, after the last market we went around taking photos of all the comments and suggestions that appeared, and have put them all together. There were over 60 suggestions, some probably a little tongue in cheek, but most definitely worthy of consideration.

We’d like to take this one step further and ask you what you would like to see in Wynnum. We’ve listed all of the suggestions into a short online survey, and if we get a big enough response, we’ll be passing these ideas on to the landlords and their agents for their consideration!

Click on the yellow button below to let us know what shops and retailers you’d like to see in Wynnum Central…

tell us button

stickers on empty shops in Wynnum
Too much to say, not enough stickers!

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