Nip down to the Wynnum Central train station and look East from the platform and you will see… a brand new Wynnum mural! The mural depicts a number of scenes from the Wynnum waterfront and reminds visitors by train that Wynnum is Brisbane’s Seaside.*
WynnumCentral first brought the delapidation of the original mural to people’s attention back in 2013 (When you arrive at Wynnum Central by train, this is the first thing you see…), when we expressed the hope that it could be updated. It’s only taken seven years, but anything worth doing is worth waiting for!

Things hit a few obstacles along the way, not least the closure of the Wynnum chamber of commerce (at that time rebranded to CCIQ Brisbane Bayside) not long after funding had been received from Joan Pease MP and from Councillor Peter Cumming** to give the mural an update.
Wynnum Manly Events Inc (WMEI) – the organisers of the Illuminations Festivals – took up the cudgel after the chamber closed and have pursued the mural upgrade since then. Part of the reason it has taken a while is that work can only be conducted trackside on track closure days, of which there are only a few every year. A number of other factors (mainly requirements from QR) resulted in repeated delays to installation, but we got there in the end. Congratulations to the team at WMEI for never giving up!

One result is that we now have a section of blank black wall next to the new artwork. What should we put there? It might take a while…
*although unfortunately for technical reasons relating to train safety requirements the Wynnum Colourband could not be displayed in the image
**we previously erroneously stated that this funding had come from the Lord Mayor’s Fund
Cant tell you how happy I am to see the wall at Wynnum Railway Station has been “renovated”
So good for the area. Thanks for letting us know. Also thanks to Peter and Joan for the funding.