Cinema Update
In case you missed it… a public notice appeared in the Wynnum Herald this week (p53) announcing the consultation period for the development application for the proposed cinema complex in Wynnum. The comment period is 26 October – 16 November, so only a relatively short window to comment on the proposal.
If – like the vast majority of Wynnum residents who have ever responded to our surveys about what people would like to see in Wynnum – you are in favour of the cinema development proposal, now is the time to show your support!
In a recent statement the developers (who are the owners of the Waterloo Bay Hotel and supporters of WynnumCentral and members of associated business group Wynnum Business) said…
“Help us get our development over the line and bring a new entertainment hub to the Wynnum/Manly area. This development will create jobs, bring a new level of tourism to the area, and boost local business.”
They have already collected over 3,000 letters of support. If yours is not one of them you can now give your feedback/show your support in four ways…
- Go in to the Waterloo Bay Hotel and sign one of the pre-written letters of support there
- Download and sign the support petition here… - Go to the Brisbane City Council and lodge your submission/comments on the development application here… - Write or email the council direct…
The Assessment Manager
Ms H Wells
Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane QLD 4001
The consultation period is only open until Thursday 16th November. If everything is approved and the development is able to go ahead, Wynnum may well have its own cinema complex by early 2019 or possibly earlier.
Make sure you have your say!
See our previous article on the proposal here…
Wynnum set to get its wish granted – a cinema
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Many thanks to the Waterloo Bay hoteliers for helping to bring back a Cinema. When I was a very young boy Wynnum/Manly had 3 Cinemas. I am currently living in Warwick but still have a house in Wynnum and hope to return to Wynnum in early 2018.