Did you know… Australia Day has only been a national public holiday since 1994? Until that year each state marked the day on different days, often to make a long weekend as opposed to marking the actual date itself.
And although 26th January 1788 was when the First Fleet under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip landed at Sydney Cove, the formal establishment of New South Wales actually only happened on 7th February that year.
Recent polls also indicate a recent shift in attitudes towards Australia Day. Just four years ago in 2019 40% of those surveyed said they celebrated the day. By 2021 this had declined to 29%.
There is also growing support to change the date to acknowledge that the date of the establishment of the colony is for people of Aboriginal heritage not necessarily something to celebrate. Surveys since 200 have shown a marked increase in support for the movement to change the date.
What do you think – should the date be changed? Let us know in the poll below.
This year – after a two year break – Australia Day celebrations will be held in Wynnum in George Clayton Park (aka ‘Bandstand Park’ or ‘Lighthouse Park’) on the waterfront with all the regular activities – sausage sizzle, pancakes tea and damper, facepainting, rides for kids etc from 7.30am until midday. At this point the weather forecast looks good – a sunny day with a top temperature of 31C.
Here are all the details on the poster courtesy of Councillor Peter Cumming…