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Trains, Boats and Planes – which is the best way for you to travel?

If you ask Adele Powell owner of Harvey World Travel in Wynnum where she would most like to travel to again she says Prague, Canada and the Cook Islands. She chooses the river city of Prague because it has retained all its beautiful old buildings, and new buildings haven’t intruded, Canada because of the landscape and the people who are so like Aussies, and the Cook Islands because of the people and the landscape, with an atmosphere that harks back to a different era.

Adele, who has owned the travel agency for 14 years, also highly recommends going on a river ship through Europe or on a cruise out of Brisbane. The agency was a Queensland Harvey World Travel agency finalist in 2012 – a huge tribute to the small team, competing against so many much larger agencies.

There is heaps of laughter in the Wynnum office of Harvey World Travel when the staff talks about the travels they have been on, especially the stories that Adele brings back from her jaunts around the world on “research” trips.

Adele missed out on an overseas adventure when she was younger so she is making up for it now, and that knowledge is ideal for her older clients who have different requirements to the young travellers. Of course the agency has all the tips for those going on their first overseas travels at any age and can arrange coach tours for younger people wanting to travel on a shoestring through Europe, America, South America, Asia and the Pacific islands.

For those with a good budget going to Europe she highly recommends going on the river ships which call into ports in many of the river cities in Europe. She says the great advantage is that you unpack once, and when the ship arrives in each city you are generally right in the heart of the city, and simply step off into the main shopping and tourism areas.

When you add up the cost of the excellent food and free drinks provided on board and the daily tour choices which are all inclusive, the cost can compare reasonably with a self-directed tour. You can be as active or relaxed as you like, staying on board for a leisurely view from you private balcony.

It’s also a great way to meet people from all over the world, with many people planning their next trip to the countries of the people they met on board.

However, if you are looking to be more independent, Adele and her team are able to advise you on alternative ways to see Europe – or the rest of the world, organising flights, hire cars, coaches, bookings at hard to get into restaurants and theatres, or any other advice you need.

Another option is to go on a cruise. Adele says there has been a substantial increase in the number of people, both retirees and families opting for a cruise as a holiday, particularly because it is so cost effective. Teenagers can travel on children’s rates up until 18 so that is a substantial cost saver in comparison to airfares. All ages are catered for on board, and many families are now making it an annual event. There are no squabbles over whose turn it is to do the dishes, and there’s always something to do.

A new cruise liner is going to be based in Brisbane by the end of the year so people will be saving the airfare to Sydney, which can add up to hundreds of dollars if you have a family of five travelling.

Even if you want to go for an extended long weekend it can cost as little as $500 all inclusive! This will also have a big impact on Brisbane with foreign and local tourists also using Brisbane as their boarding port.

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