
How good was the Fringe?

Well, pretty darned good by all accounts! The festival transformed the streets over that weekend, with pretty much all the shops, bars and cafes full to the brim, and it’s taken a week for us to get around to writing about it!

Here are some stats shared by the organisers recently…

  • 6,600 tickets sold online
  • 22 sold out ticketed shows
  • Nearly 10,000 people through Wynnum CBD in a covid-safe environment across 3 days
  • An opening ceremony in collaboration with Quandamooka Elders
  • 21 local sponsors
  • Employment for 150 artists and 43 creative staff
  • 60 wonderful volunteers
  • The online broadcast which played to 10,000 people around the world
  • 23 food truck vendors across 120 meters
  • 15 community groups playing music

On top of all this, quite a few people who came were Queenslanders visiting Wynnum for the first time.

So now planning starts for the 2021 festival. If you’d like to be kept in the loop, head over to their website and sign up to get their updates… https://wynnumfringe.com/

Here are some photos from the Friday evening and one of the last events on the Sunday – An Afternoon with Colin Peterson. It was fascinating to hear his story and to meet the man himself.

Colin Petersen and random fan
Lighting ready for the laneway show
Roving giant
Michael Jullyan of Thinktank Architects being interviewed for Fringe TV
Youth Band
Edith Street
Welcome to country

Our congratulations go to the man behind it all – Tom Oliver – who pulled together an amazing event in the space of about 6 weeks. Well done Tom – love your work!

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One Comment

  1. Keep up the good work…
    This is one hell of a town we live in….
    It’s a sleeping giant…..
    ‘Keep it a secret’ otherwise everyone will want to come and live here….
    Laurie and Nanette Hill ( Chestnutters)
    Chestnut st that is.

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