
Local events cancelled

As a result of the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, most local events have been cancelled or postponed, including this Saturday’s planned cinema operator announcement party, which has been postponed to a later date (yet to be announced). The Wynnum Christian Science talk will also be converted to an online talk, as the speaker would have been arriving from France and would therefore have been subject to the current 14 day quarantine provisions.

As per the Prime Minister’s briefing this morning, it is very likely that all larger events (this is now anything over 100 attendees at an indoor event and 500 at an outdoor event) will be cancelled for anything up to a six month period, ie until the end of September.

The local elections are at this point still proceeding as normal (see our separate article here).

For up-to-date (and accurate) information on restrictions due to the Coronavirus, check https://www.health.gov.au/ and https://www.qld.gov.au/.

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