
Wynnum Weiner Walk

Or is it 'Wiener'? See below.

Some might say that if you’re not a dog lover, maybe Wynnum isn’t the place for you! Every breed has its diehard fans and in a week’s time it’ll be the turn of people who love Dachshunds, or as they are also known, Wiener dogs. The word dachshund literally means ‘badger dog’ in German.

Anyway, the big day is Saturday 16th June when all owners of Dachshunds are invited to take part in a nice walk around Wynnum. It all kicks off at 9am in Charlotte Street behind the Wynnum Community Centre. There are no size limitations, although the walk is only open to Dachshunds (and their human walkers we presume).

The walk then starts at 10am and follows a 1.5km route around Wynnum shopping precinct. To liven things up there will be a number of prizes, including…

  • Best dressed dog
  • Longest dog
  • Thickest dog (size not intelligence, we’re guessing)

Appropriately there will be a sausage sizzle being run by BSDF and all monies will be donated to Dachshund Rescue Australia. Finally, just in case there are any Dachshund related questions, Manly Road 24hour Vet Hospital will be present at the registration point.

More details here…


You don’t have to read this bit… (only if you’re interested)
There is some debate over the correct spelling of Wiener. Literally (in German) it means ‘sausage dog’, although of course the word wiener has other connotations that we won’t go into detail about here. Suffice it to say that ‘Wien’ means ‘Vienna’ in German so a Wiener is in fact anything (including a sausage), or anyone who is from Vienna. A less common spelling is ‘Weiner’, although this would be pronounced completely differently in German (‘viner’ as opposed to ‘veener’).

German lesson over.

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