
If you run your own business, this meeting may be for you

The next Wynnum Business group meeting is this coming Monday 23rd October 7.00am-8.30am at Wynnum Business member Monty’s Place, 3/119 Glenora Street Wynnum.

Ulendo RoodeThe speaker will be Wynnum Business member Ulendo Roode (pictured) who will be talking about the new ‘Safe Harbour’ law. This law is designed to provide a mechanism to company directors to save a business that is experiencing solvency issues, without incurring personal liability.

Ulendo is a business improvement and transformation strategist who has had more than 20 years experience in the field, working for Arthur Andersen and Deloitte as well as with other large agencies. He now runs his own consulting firm – Concateno. He is a certified turnaround professional and has worked on many large scale projects.

The meeting is part of the BIT(e) series – which stands for Business Information Technology (eat), and Wynnum Business holds two of these every month, one after work and one at breakfast time, at Wynnum Business member premises. As well as a short talk, all the meetings have an opportunity for attendees to meet/network with everyone else, in fact all attendees are ‘introduced’ to each other by the MC at the start of the meeting.

Tickets (which include a light breakfast, which you choose when you book online) are $25 for non-members ($20 earlybird if you book today). It is not a closed meeting – anyone is welcome to attend, although numbers are limited to maximum 25.

If you’d like to come along, you can book in here…


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