
The Battle of Waterloo is on tomorrow down at the waterfront

Trivia Night Question… What is the Battle of Waterloo?

1) A battle between Napoleon and the British and Prussianarmies in Belgium in June 1815
2) A historical re-enactment at Fort Lytton
3) A beach volleyball competition being held in the Wading Pool at Wynnum Waterfront tomorrow

If you answered 3) you’re right – and what a battle it’s going to be!

wynnum central beach volleyball logoPresented by Wynnum Business Members (and supporters of WynnumCentral) The Waterloo Bay Hotel, teams of 4-6 players will vie for first place in the tournament, which runs from 7.30am until around 11am. Then after that prizes and trophies will be presented back at The Waterloo Bay Hotel, with some very generous prizes donated by (Wynnum Business Members) F45 Training Wynnum.

For those wanting to sample the F45 approach to staying fit and healthy, the F45 team will be running a free outdoor session at 8am, before the tournament. A great way to experience the fitness system used by the likes of Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman.

We’ll see you there!

More info on Facebook here…


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