
Bayside Business Expo

As if the Wynnum Seafood Festival were not enough, the Bayside Business Expo will be on for the second year on the same day – Sat 22nd Oct, from 8.30am-2.00pm.

Amy WatsonBeing run by Bayside Women In Business (BWIB), this second year is already a sell out with all 30 exhibitor spots taken and a full line up of speakers including Sue Mazur, Cat Matson from Brisbane City Council, LinkedIn guru Julie Mason and award winning mentor and author Shar Moore. The event is sponsored by Xero and Caltex.

For more details on the event, check out the website – http://baysidewomeninbusiness.org/expo/ and the Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/baysidewomeninbusiness

PS despite the fact that all the exhibitor booths have gone, there are still opportunities to advertise your business at the expo – more details on the website above.

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