
Wynnum resident launches new coffee blend to help ex servicemen and women when they leave the military

Local resident and ex serviceman Terry McNally has launched an agency called Ex Military Direct to help former servicemen and women find employment in the civilian world.

Terry McNally Wynnum Herald“While military training offers many valuable skills for the commercial workplace, without additional training and assistance to transition, ex servicemen and women are often unable to explain their qualifications and consequently are overlooked when applying for jobs.” said Mr McNally.

Mr McNally explained how he had seen friends from the military commit suicide as they could not adapt to life outside the services and struggled to find jobs.

To help raise awareness of the issues, Ex Military Direct recently launched a new brand of coffee called 3 Elements Coffee that, as the name implies, comes in three different blends, one for each arm of the military. For every kilo of 3 Elements Coffee sold, $5 goes directly to fund training and assistance given by Ex Military Direct.

The launch, which was attended by Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk, was also featured in the Courier Mail, the Brisbane Times and on Channel 7 News (watch the segment on the WynnumCentral Facebook page – under videos).

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