
Rosies helps the homeless and ‘at risk’ in Wynnum

Last week Rosies Wynnum Manly officially launched its outreach program for Wynnum and surrounds at St Paul’s Anglican Church in Manly. Rosies, whose tagline is ‘Friends on the Street’, provides outreach support to people who are homeless, at risk or simply lonely. Although it only started its Wynnum services last month, the organisation set up in Queensland back in 1987. Rosies itself first started in Rosebud in Victoria in 1975.

Rosies launchRosies Wynnum Manly, thanks to the generosity of locals, has already raised $52,000 to start the service, but is still short of $18,000 to cover the first three months of operation. They are always looking for donation (of any amount) and volunteers. Rosies now runs five separate outreaches in the local area…




Wynnum Wading Pool Wednesdays 7pm-9pm (carpark behind pool)
Corner Charlotte/Tingal Streets Fridays 7pm-9pm
Primrose Park Sundays 7pm-9pm

Wynnum Courthouse Tuesdays 9am-11am
Housing Connect (in Wynnum Community Centre in Florence Street) alternate Wednesdays 9am-12pm

For more information or to volunteer or donate to Rosies call 07 3396 4267 or visit rosies.org.au.

PS Cedar & Pine wine bar in Bay Terrace will be holding a fundraiser in aid of Rosies – a ‘Rags to Rosies Party’ on Saturday 27th August. Attendees are encouraged to kit themselves out at a local op shop and come along to the party at 7pm. Tickets are $20 with $10 from every ticket going to Rosies.

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