
Bay Terrace loses another op shop

The section of Bay Terrace between Edith Street and Florence Street is starting to look a little forlorn with another op shop closing in the last few weeks – The Endeavour Foundation. A quick walk along this part of the street has half of the retail properties standing empty – four of the eight.

EditorialWe don’t have any insider information on this, but it may be that the owner/s are planning on redeveloping the entire block, but this is just speculation on our part! At WynnumCentral we think these retail outlets would be perfect for the Wynnum Creative Spaces project, which despite best efforts has not been able to get off the ground in Wynnum… yet.

What sort of retail outlets would you like to see open in this section of Bay Terrace?

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    1. No, “Another” OP Shop, Pleeeease.

      Plus, more Public Toilets in the Shopping Centre please

    2. Wynnum had to lose all the op shops and get a really great baker and deli please. Cinemas would be great come on dendy or blue room!

  1. I agree, a Cinema and some great deli’s. I hated what Wynnum had become with all the Op Shops there.

  2. Wynnum is becoming synonymous with op shops — that’s not good. I love a good op shop, but we need diversity here. Where are the cinemas and delis?

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