
ELECTION SPECIAL: The campaign promises

The following is a quick recap on the election promises made by the three candidates, to the extent we have them (WynnumCentral was unable to contact one candidate, so we have taken the information we have from other sources)

ALP (Labor Party)
Candidate: Peter Cumming (current councillor)

  1. $5 million Business Case and design work for the long awaited overpass of the Lindum rail level crossing;
  2. Traffic lights at the intersection of Manly and Stannard Roads, Manly West;
  3. Fenced Playground at Greene Park, Wynnum;
  4. Zoned Parkland at old Wynnum Central school site;
  5. $448 000 for new concrete footpaths in the Wynnum Manly Ward;
  6. Park Upgrade at Emmett Street and Clare Avenue, Wynnum West;
  7. Park Upgrade at Curtis Street, Manly;
  8. Shade shelters over playgrounds in Trevally Cr, Barramundi & Tarwhine Sts;
  9. Stopping the building of illegal duplexes and 300m² (12 perch) subdivisions;
  10. Reducing the maximum standard height of houses from 9.5m to 8.5

LNP (Liberal National Party)
Candidate: Deirdre Thomson

  1. Improving local amenity with a new kids water park at the Wynnum Wading Pool
  2. Delivering the missing link of the Moreton Bay bikeway between Wynnum North Road and Lytton Road
  3. Installing new irrigation technology to lower ground maintenance costs at Kitchener Park
  4. Continuing to grow our local economy and create jobs for locals
  5. Delivering new fencing around George Clayton Park playground in Wynnum to improve child safety
  6. Delivering free WiFi access in the Wynnum CBD
  7. Improving amenity for local families with park upgrades at Clara Avenue, Wynnum and Ed Devenport Park, Lota
  8. Investing $5 million in resurfacing local roads including Sebastian Street and Halstell Street, Manly West

Candidate: Sonja Gerdsen

  1. Improvement of the local foreshore, including protection of local wetlands


See our take on the election here.

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