
What’s On in Wynnum

Want to know what’s going on in Wynnum? Check out our revamped What’s On page!

We are hoping to be able to announce some new WynnumCentral events soon – which we will list here – but in the meantime we have decided to open out this section to anyone holding an event either in Wynnum Central itself, or in Wynnum.

So if you’d like to get your event listed for free, drop us a line at [email protected]. Please make sure you give us plenty of notice (eg at least 10 days).

legally blondeIn March for example, we already have listed Legally Blonde at the Iona Performing Arts Centre, a meeting called ‘Demystifying Spiritual Healing’ at the Christian Science Reading Room, Wynnum UpLate, the World’s Greatest Shave, the closing date for the mural design competition, CCIQ business workshops and last but not least, the upcoming council election.

One late entry (which we’ll confirm when we have start dates) is a series of new drama and creativity classes for children aged between 5 and 12. These will be held at the new community centre on Thursdays and Saturdays. Check their Facebook page for more details as they become available…

Blue Fox Drama on Facebook

Plus with all of the listings we have a link through to find out more info and book in (where needed).

(image credit: https://pixabay.com/en/diary-calendar-filler-leave-time-684750/)


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